Whenever you correspond with the school about your son/daughter, kindly quote his/her full name, class and section. All communication should be addressed to the Principal and sent to e-mails regarding admission queries, fee deposit information.
(1) Parents are requested to read the contents of the Student Diary carefully and in the interest of the child, abide by the rules laid down by the school.
(2) No student will be allowed to leave the school early except in cases of emergency or if the student is unwell and has a supporting Doctor's report. This will be based on the Principal's approval.
(3) Parents are requested not to visit their wards in the classrooms without the permission of the Principal.
Teacher/Parent notes in the student's diary.School circulars, notices & letters need to be acknowledged by the parent on receipt. Homework, Notices, Updates will also be sent through school App to the parent's registered mobile number. To expedite your queries you are requested to use the "e-school application"
(a) To monitor the personal hygiene of the child at home.
(b) To ensure child is in proper school uniform.
(c) To ensure child is dedicating time toward his home work and ensuring that the child gets complete sets of books as per time table.
(d) To keep the school informed about any personal, domestic or medical issues which may be impacting a child's physical, mental or emotional well being.
(e) To ensure that all the medical requirements of a child like immunizations etc are in order.
(f) To refrain from sending child to school if running any infections any duly sending in a sick certificate to inform the school.
(g) For students using the bus facility, parents to ensure that they pick up and drop off their children at designated stops on time. The bus will not wait if the child is late. In case a parent is not on time to pick up the child from the bus drop off point, the bus driver will take the child back to school and the parent will have to come to school and pick up the child.
(h) For parent picking up their children and dropping them off at school to ensure that they adhere to the timings strictly.
(i) No leaflets or flyers by any parents to be distributed in the school premises without permission of the Principal. Such action amounts to disciplinary action.
j) Any rude, unparliamentarily language used towards any member of
the staff or management either directly, over the phone, through mails or otherwise as may be brought to the notice of the school will be taken very seriously and may even invite expulsion of the child from the school.
(k) Parents are to maintain discipline during all school events keeping in
mind the events are put together by the students of the school and the students efforts need to be felicitated by their cooperation.
(l) To ensure that all school dues are paid on time as per rules and
within stipulated time frames to avoid invocation of school action as per rules which includes suspension/withdrawal.
(m) Parents are expected to co-operate in the working of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline, and by taking an interest in their children's progress. Parents should check the school calendar regularly and note the teacher's remarks, put their initials and sign the student's diary regularly.
(n) Students must pay the annual charge and other dues before the commencement of the new academic session with the stipulated date to be notified at the end of the final examination, failing which their names may be removed from the school register and they have to seek readmission.
(1) Report cards are issued to keep the parents abreast of the child's performance in school.
(2) Parents - Teachers - Meetings PTMs are regularly scheduled throughout the year by class teachers. At any time a student, parent, teacher, counselor or administration may request for a meeting to discuss the progress or any other matters of concern.
(3) The school's account office will keep the parents informed about fees and dues.
(4) Parents are expected to take an active interest in their child's work and be guided by the teachers. In turn staff members are to ensure that no parents or child is ever belittled, either in private or in public, and that the gifts, favors and advantages are not to be solicited by anyone at any time at any level.
(1) Parents are welcome to meet the teachers on PTM days at the allotted timings.
(2) Parents are expected to, by prior appointment; spend at least 15 minutes with each of the child's subject teachers on a one-to-one basis at least twice a year.
(3) All parents are expected to participate in the school's ceremonies and routine.
(4) The school expects parents to volunteer their talents and skills for the benefit of all children.
(5) The parent-Teacher-interaction is a time tabled activity; parents are expected to look at all the work done by the students in class and elsewhere.